Starting Weight: 185.6
5% Goal by April 1: 9lbs
5% Goal by April 1: 9lbs
Current Weight: 176.8
+/- for Week: -1
+/- Total: -9
Hit my 5% Goal!!!!!
New 10% Goal of 10lbs by May 5th
This week was another tough one. I didn't write down my points until the last few days. I weighed on Tuesday and had gained 2lbs so I started tracking and ended up losing 1lb. I'm pretty sure it's the breastmilk. I always weigh after I nurse Lily.
I ate a lot of Ice Cream. And this morning I opened up Blogger and saw this:
Oh, Pioneer Woman, how you make my mouth water.
These are Chicken Tacos. Fried. With the Chicken INSIDE. I would add guacamole.
Now onto my new goal of 10%. Is it 10% from your starting weight or from your current weight? I'm going to stick with 10lbs as a goal by May 5th, 5 weeks. I guess I won't be eating or cooking any of these tacos any time soon.
Link up with Brandy. You'll love her and she gives away cool stuff-
Great job! I'm super impressed, and keep up the good work. Oh and breastmilk counts because of all that great nutrition and healthy fat it has. :)
Great job! It's 10% from your starting weight, but WW Online works it out for you.
You are a rockstar!!! so inspiring
Congrats! You are doing awesome! Those tacos look amazing.
Those tacos do look delish!
Grats on reaching your goal for the month, that's terrific! Keep up the great work! :)
10% of your beginning weight which would mean you need to lose 9.6, which is very close to 10 lbs. You are doing awesome and I am sooo proud of you.
love, mom
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