Friday, August 26, 2011

First Day of "School"- MDO

 Ethan started back to his "school" today! He goes to a Mother's Day Out program twice a week for 4 hours. 

I don't think he knew why I was taking his picture in the front yard. He didn't want to take his hand out of his mouth.

I finally got him to give me some what of  a smile without his hand!

Hands in the mouth again, he turned for a moment to let me snap a photo before running off to the playground.

Here he was last year on the first day. Look how much he's grown! Oddly enough he is still wearing these clothes.

I can't wait to pick him up to see how his first day went.

*Teacher said he had a great day! He didn't say a word all day (not surprising) until story time. Then he stood off by himself and told his OWN story. To himself. She said she couldn't get him to sit down with the rest of the group. Then he wouldn't nap until about 15 minutes before I pick him up. I guess he was just too excited about his first day!

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