Monday, February 9, 2009

A Walk with Harry

Ethan, Harry and I went on our first walk together on Friday! I put Ethan in the front carrier so he could see; Harry was on his leash. This pic was taken after I had gotten Ethan dressed and before Harry discovered he was going. Harry still would not sit long enough for me to get a pic with him and the screaming and tired baby! Isn't his little blue jacket so cute! I'm happy to say it is a little big for him so he will be able to wear it for awhile.

The plan was to just walk up to the main street and back down the other side. When we got half way I discovered the very large Rottweiler that lives across the street was in his back yard and I didn't want to walk that close to his fence! Not that I think he could get out but my motherly protectiveness kicks in overtime these days.

So we ended up taking the long way around the block. Now, for those of you who walked this path with me so many times as I was trying to get labor started, you will remember Harry gets tired and stops walking about a block and 1/2 away from home! Before I would just carry him the rest of the way but I now have my little man to carry. So we just took several breaks while Harry caught his breath, poor guy.

It was a beautiful day and we are looking forward to the next walk outside. I did learn one thing: Put the leash on the dog before putting the baby in the carrier. When Harry even hears his leash being taken out he goes crazy! It is very hard to get his leash on him when you are also holding a screaming baby!


Anonymous said...

Did our little one not know he was going on a walk??? Harry did! What fun you must of had!! Can't wait to walk with you when you come.

GrapeApe said...

Good job Lissa!!
Love you


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